Things you won't find in Connecticut

Things you won't find CT

20% off at Mardel
Pei Wei
4" of snow=2 snow days

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday afternoon

I've made it a habit.  Of all the things that I ask as a dad, even my kids know and respect it.  Not only that, they expect it. 

When my family was younger, my goal on Sunday afternoon was to try to get them to all take a nap so I could.  I remember, distinctly, trying to get them to go to sleep.  It is an interesting phenomenon that the older you get, the more your desire sleep.  However, on most Sunday afternoons, they weren't having it!

Today, as I was cleaning up dinner leftovers and dishes and planning my afternoon coffee to be followed by my nap, I realized something.  There were no distractions.  There was no little ones to put down.  In fact, the only offspring home at the time was Adam and he was busy playing Xbox in the other side of the house.  Somehow, having the prime opportunity to lay down for a nap didn't quite seem as enjoyable as I thought it should.  I could lay down at any time, I wouldn't be interrupted or distracted.  No crying voices would wake me.  There would be no bottle or juice cups to make, no songs to sing, no child to rock.  The only distraction would be the silence of a house that I'm trying to call home.

Sunday afternoon, what I always wanted...


  1. Funny how we wind up with exactly what we asked for, and then we don't know what to do with it. I hope you watched Steeler Nation defeat the Jets tonight. They're going to the Super Bowl!!!!!

  2. Have we failed as parents if we never get to "the empty nest"?....If so, I am once again looking for less than an A+ on my report card!!
