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Sunday, January 2, 2011

21 Day Fast-Day 2

 "But King David said to Ornan, 'No, but I will surely buy it for the full price; for I will not take what is yours for the Lord , or offer a burnt offering which costs me nothing.'” ~ I Chonronicles 21:24 (NASB) 

Yesterday, I began a 21 day fast.  I have had to opportunity to fast before.  There have been times that my church or a friend placed the idea of a fast before me.  However, I never really felt like it was something that was begin lead by the Holy Spirit, until now.
On December 17th, during my devotions, I was lead to read Isaiah 58.  It was during the reading of that passage that God spoke to me about fasting.   The following Sunday, the Pastor announced that our denominational leader was encouraging people to fast.  Since then, God has lead me to some passages, I’ve received some emails, and I’ve heard about fasting through various media.I am struggling a bit about what to fast from.  I am definitely giving up all meats.  However, this isn’t a huge challenge for me.  I am not a big meat eater anyway.  I’m sure that I was be tempted with this 21 days to eat meat, but I think it will be easy to give it up. 
After reading today’s devotional passage, I Chronicles 21:18-27, I believe that God is asking me to give up desserts and white sugary things in addition to meat.   David’s statement in verse 24, “But King David said to Ornan, “No, but I will surely buy it for the full price; for I will not take what is yours for the Lord , or offer a burnt offering which costs me nothing.”  So, how can I truly experience a fast and show God that I am serious about this call unless I honestly give up something that will be signficant?
What will you offer Him today?  What will it cost you?


  1. So, how'd you do on your fast today? Hopefully well. And if not, start again tomorrow.

  2. I did well! Today is day 4. Only 17 days left. I gotta tell ya, God is making this easier than I thought. You know, some idiot said, "Why don't you give up coffee?" "Why don't you give up air, I said. Really?" (That didn't actually happen, but it sounded funny!)
