Things you won't find in Connecticut

Things you won't find CT

20% off at Mardel
Pei Wei
4" of snow=2 snow days

Monday, January 24, 2011

Footprints of Friendships

There is a picture that hangs on the wall in our hallway.

Some People come into our lives and quickly go. 
Some stay for a while,
leave footprints on our hearts
and we are never; ever the same.

It was given to me by Jennifer several years ago.  It has become an important piece of our home.  Not because it a beautiful work of art, rather, it represents a beautiful work of art - friendship.;

I am melancholy this morning.  I need to redefine friendship in my life.  I am looking for my friends, my colleagues, those who know and love me and will accept me just as I am - with my faults and failures, with my oddities and idiocrasies - with my moodiness, guilt, and joy.  I want to eat lunch with someone today who understands me.  Someone who I don't have to pretend with - not that I pretend, I am who I am - you know what I mean?

I want to share an inside joke, a laugh with someone today.  I want to sit around morning prayer with a smile and piece of information that I know will bring encouragement and joy. 

I'm tired of feeling alone in a crowd.

Remember me today, my friend.  Think of me.

As I look for you today, I know I will only find footprints.  You are not here.  You have, however, left these footprints on my heart as a memory and reminder of yourself.  My friends, I miss you today, and I look forward to...

It will never be the same, will it?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday afternoon

I've made it a habit.  Of all the things that I ask as a dad, even my kids know and respect it.  Not only that, they expect it. 

When my family was younger, my goal on Sunday afternoon was to try to get them to all take a nap so I could.  I remember, distinctly, trying to get them to go to sleep.  It is an interesting phenomenon that the older you get, the more your desire sleep.  However, on most Sunday afternoons, they weren't having it!

Today, as I was cleaning up dinner leftovers and dishes and planning my afternoon coffee to be followed by my nap, I realized something.  There were no distractions.  There was no little ones to put down.  In fact, the only offspring home at the time was Adam and he was busy playing Xbox in the other side of the house.  Somehow, having the prime opportunity to lay down for a nap didn't quite seem as enjoyable as I thought it should.  I could lay down at any time, I wouldn't be interrupted or distracted.  No crying voices would wake me.  There would be no bottle or juice cups to make, no songs to sing, no child to rock.  The only distraction would be the silence of a house that I'm trying to call home.

Sunday afternoon, what I always wanted...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Homecoming, part II

The boys are going back to Connecticut tomorrow.  I will miss them.  It's funny how the relationship between parent and child changes. 

I let Jeremy drive home from my mom's today.  He did a great job!  I have to ask myself, "When did this happen?" 

We had a very mature conversation.  He is growing up.

This morning, when I woke up and went into the living room, Jeremy was asleep on the couch.  I very poignantly remember a time, it seems like not too long ago, when he would crawl into my bed and lay right next to me.  As I arose, in the early morning (I've always been a morning person), he would get up with me and wait for me to get ready.  Then we would go downstairs and sit the chair in the living room.  He would curl up next to me as I did my devotions.  My prayers for him then are not much different that they are today.  Where does the time go?

I also remember tucking Alex in.  Every night, I would lay with him and we would pray and debrief our day in his "doggie-nation" (dalmatian, to the adult world) bed.  Just as I thought he was asleep, he would say, "Just one more minute, daddy."  (Sigh as I wipe away the tears.)  Now I go to bed long before he does!

Tomorrow morning, Jenn will see them off at the airport to go back to their lives in Connecticut; lives, that we are not a daily part of.  And, we will continue with our lives in Oklahoma; lives that they are not apart of.  Perhaps this is the way it is suppose to be.  It must be, because it is the way it is.  I don't have to like it.  It is, however, the way it is. 

I must be honest.  I will miss them, but I'm proud of what they are becoming-yet, in my absence. 

Don't be dismayed by good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again and meeting again after moments or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends.~ Richard Bach

Farewell, my sons...

Friday, January 14, 2011


Tonight was homecoming at ETS.  As I stood there (standing room only!) and watched the students who had been chosen to the Spirit Court, my heart swelled with pride.  You would think that I was a parent of one of the students, but I'm not.  I don't think I can fully understand why I was proud.  Maybe, as I listened to the explanation of the qualification required for the students to be elected to Spirit Court, I realize how significant it was to me.  To know these students and to see them represent the student body was an exciting event.

I so appreciate ETS and the quality of academics and spiritual development that it represents.  Does anyone else see that?  Not only do I have the privilege of working there, I am also a parent.  It has been a journey for my family, but to now have the opportunity to celebrate and participate in this event made me realize the importance and significance of a Christian high school.

So, to the students of the 2011 Spirit Court, thank you.  Thank you for representing ETS; thank you for representing our Savior.  And, thank you for representing your families in such a remarkable way.

I am proud of you!


As I write, Alex and Jeremy are preparing to take off from Bradley Field to fly "home".  Interesting, saying home.  They have never lived here.  But, it is where we are!  We are all excited to be able to see them again.  It has only been six months, but I wonder how they have changed?  I wonder how we have changed?  

Here is an old Easter picture.  Isn't it funny?  This is how I remember them.  Look at those smiles!

Tonight is homecoming at ETS as well.  Interesting correlation.  Homecoming...homecoming...It seems that "homecoming" can mean different things.  It could mean alumni returning to the alma mater to participate, as the audience, in their school's vicorious (hopefully!) basketball game.  It could mean two brothers flying half way across the country to their "home" to see their parents and other siblings.  What doesn homecoming mean to you?

This is the last "family picture" that I remember taking.  It was taken on Christmas, 2009.  Who would have thought that Christmas, 2010 would be so different.  That, even if we all wanted a family photo, we couldn't shoot one.  You can bet I'm going to have my camera out this weekend! 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Into Marvelous Light

Okay, this morning's devo was from II Peter chapter 2.  Wowers!  Take a look at verses 9-10 from the NASB, But you are a chosen race , a royal priesthood , a holy nation , a people for God’s own possession , so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were not a people , but now you are the people of God ; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy .
How do you feel this morning, saint?  Let His spirit build you and fill you this morning.  Lift your hands and spin around!  I warn you, do not watch this video unless you are in a place where you can just LET GO AND LET GOD!

Join me as we run into that Marvelous Light!

Charlie Hall - Marvelous Light (Passion '05)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Yes, in Him!

Today’s devotional is a discussion about the fact that sometimes, certain foods can become addictive, that we replace the Comforter with foods in our lives to comfort us.  I’m not sure that I can fully relate to this.  There are some foods that I’m fasting from that I am missing (i.e. sweets!), but I have begun to substitute that with dried and fresh fruits.  I’ve thought about a nice juicy hamburger, but I haven’t really “missed” it.  I do miss a hot cooked meal. 
However, the following verses did capture my attention:  But as God is faithful, our word to you is not yes and no.  For the Son of God, Christ Jesus, who was preached among you by us--by me and Silvanus and Timothy--was not yes and no, but is yes in Him.  For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us.  (II Corinthians 1:18-20, NASB, empahsis mine)
Paul is explaining why he didn’t, after indicated that he would, journey back to Corinth.  It seems that his following of the Holy Spirit moved him in another direction.  As I reflect upon this, I am poignantly aware that God moves us according to His will.  How often do we make plans, good plans, that God, through circumstances and events, thwarts?   Often, I say!  I continue to refer to where I was last year at this time.  I had no idea that I would be spending the winter in a rented house in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  At this time last year, I wouldn’t have fathomed the idea of moving, especially into the circumstances that I now find myself.  When God decides, God decides.  It is comforting to know that, no matter what my situation or present circumstances, I am resting in His will.  I pray that I will always be able to say, "yes in Him."
I am sensing a renewal, a quickening if you will, of the Holy Spirit in my life.   I don’t know exactly what He is about to do.  However, I do know that He is about to do.  I am preparing for a miracle!  It’s kind of funny, sitting here writing this.  I’ve heard people say things like that before regarding what God is doing in their lives.  I won’t say that I didn’t believe them, but I just –maybe-ignored or dealt with it cavalierly.  However, now I am in that position.  I don’t know which is more exciting, the miracle or the anticipation!
Lord, I believe.  Help my unbelief. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday afternoon

It was a productive day.  We taped Alyssa playing the piano at church.  Look for a post soon!

We did a little grocery shopping and hit Mardel's.  Wowsers!  We picked up some tee shirts for 90% off.  Yep, folks, I said 90% off.  Unbelievable!  They were also having a sale on their educational things, 20%.  Another one of those things you won't find in Connecticut.

We exchanged the Pandora chain that I got for Jenn for Christmas for a better sized one.  Interestingly enough, it was more expensive...humm...

Then, lunch at Pei Wei (another one of those things you won't find in Connecticut!) and a latte at Starbucks!

What ever happened to Saturday evening movies?  I'm wearing out the "page down" button on the remote trying to find a good movie.  You know it's bad when I'm watch Frankie and Johnny.  As talented as Elvis was, an actor he was not!

So, here I blog...

Psalm 100

Psalm 100 (NASB)

Shout joyfully to the Lord , all the earth.

Serve the Lord with gladness;
Come before Him with joyful singing.

Know that the Lord Himself is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving
And His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.

For the Lord is good;
His lovingkindness is everlasting
And His faithfulness to all generations.

Today's Bible devotion was Psalm 100.  Today, I shall praise and thank Him for...
Saturday, sunshine, Adam playing with Frosty, going shopping, birds singing, dissertation done, Jon's public display of affection (to me?-whoa!), Jennifer, my laptop, Praise band, Sunday school, coffee.

My God is God.  There is no other.  My God is God.  He is mighty to save, mighty to serve, mighty-just mighty!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday Morning

Tuesday morning.  Is nothing quite so mundane as Tuesday?  It follows Monday,  the first work day of the week.  It preceeds Wednesday, the middle of the week.  It kinda just sits there, waiting for some excitement, doesn't it?  And today being the first Tuesday of 2011, one would think we'd have something to look foward to.  Yesterday was great wasn't it?  The first Monday of a new year.  It had"restart" written all over it.  It was a good day!  But today is Tuesday.  Well guys, lets do something about it!  Let's be optimistic!  Let's determine right now, to anticipate a great Tuesday.  My day is already scheduled, but I'm going to look for something worthwhile, something unique, something "out of the ordinary" in this day.  Are you in?

If you're in the area, stop by ETS for our "Saint's Discovery Tour" at 2:00, blessings guarenteed!

Make it a good one, ya'll.
Mr. McG

Sunday, January 2, 2011

21 Day Fast-Day 2

 "But King David said to Ornan, 'No, but I will surely buy it for the full price; for I will not take what is yours for the Lord , or offer a burnt offering which costs me nothing.'” ~ I Chonronicles 21:24 (NASB) 

Yesterday, I began a 21 day fast.  I have had to opportunity to fast before.  There have been times that my church or a friend placed the idea of a fast before me.  However, I never really felt like it was something that was begin lead by the Holy Spirit, until now.
On December 17th, during my devotions, I was lead to read Isaiah 58.  It was during the reading of that passage that God spoke to me about fasting.   The following Sunday, the Pastor announced that our denominational leader was encouraging people to fast.  Since then, God has lead me to some passages, I’ve received some emails, and I’ve heard about fasting through various media.I am struggling a bit about what to fast from.  I am definitely giving up all meats.  However, this isn’t a huge challenge for me.  I am not a big meat eater anyway.  I’m sure that I was be tempted with this 21 days to eat meat, but I think it will be easy to give it up. 
After reading today’s devotional passage, I Chronicles 21:18-27, I believe that God is asking me to give up desserts and white sugary things in addition to meat.   David’s statement in verse 24, “But King David said to Ornan, “No, but I will surely buy it for the full price; for I will not take what is yours for the Lord , or offer a burnt offering which costs me nothing.”  So, how can I truly experience a fast and show God that I am serious about this call unless I honestly give up something that will be signficant?
What will you offer Him today?  What will it cost you?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fallen to Grace

Twelve years ago, on January 1st, my family and I determined that we were not going to allow ourselves to continue to live under the authoritarian rule of a Bible-based cult any longer.  For those of you who have experienced what I'm talking about, you understand the freedom that true Christianity can bring.  The past twelve years have not been without heartbreak and struggles; however, they have been full of the compassion and grace of a loving God.  I am so thankful that He brought me to the point of true surrender to Him.  He lead us out of the East Hartford cult and into the freedom that Truth brings.

When we left, there were those who said some very hurtful things about me.  For those who know and care about me, I haven't missed one day of serving my Savior.  I have accomplished some very real personal and professional goals.  I am enjoying the fullness of the Holy Spirit and using my talent in the service of my King.  While some might say I feel from grace, I say I fell into grace.

Sure, I had experienced the saving grace of Jesus as a child; however, the grace that I have enjoyed the past twelve years has been indescribable.  I cannot imagine where we would be had we stayed under the spiritual dictatorship of that cult.

I determined, years ago, not to live in the past.  This day is significant however.  Twelve years ago, New Year's Day was on Saturday, just as it is this year.  It was the first Saturday that we enjoyed one another as a family without having our day filled with meetings, bus visitation, and choir practice from 7:00am-5:00pm.  I will never take another Saturday for granted!

For those who have been freed, rejoice in the freedom and continue to pray for those still in bondage.  Tomorrow is Sunday, and I will be attending church with my family.  I will play the keyboard in the praise band and experience full worship; my wife and daughter will teach a preschool Sunday school class.  We will hear an encouragingly challenging message preached by a man of God who acknowledges and practices the fullness of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  I will bless and be blessed.  We will participate in Communion.  We will fellowship.I will celebrate my Savior, my church, my family, and my freedom.  I will be thankful for the past and look forward to the future with expectant anticipation knowing that He has my future in Hands.