Things you won't find in Connecticut

Things you won't find CT

20% off at Mardel
Pei Wei
4" of snow=2 snow days

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Job prays

It is one of those books of the Bible that we don't choose to read everyday.  It just so happens that I'm reading through the Bible, chronologically, this year.  So, I landed in Job. While I love the book of Job, I really don't think that I'm in the place emotionally to read it right now. 

I've never been one to compare my life with Job-there's no way-not even close.  However, this last month has been a trying season for me.  Being told that we needed to move out of the house that we've been renting for only six months nearly knocked the socks off me.  We are in no way prepared to move; yet, I trust Him.  I know that His glory will prevail. In fact, I already see His hand in this...Praise break!

So, I began reading through Job and low and behold this verse jumped out at me,
"And when the days of their feasting were over, Job sent for them to purify and hallow them, and rose up early in the morning and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all.  For Job said, 'It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed or disowned God in their hearts.'  Thus did Job at all [such] times.  (Job 1:5, AMP)

Well, I may not be able to truly identify with the sufferings of Job - though I sometimes feel like it - I can certainly identify with this offering of sacrifice.  As a parent of teenage boys, there are many time when I have thought, like Job, "It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed or disowned God in their hearts."  I like Job's response! 

No, I don't make decisions for them.  I can't follow them around and ask them spiritually provoking questions.  I can't always stop them from trying something or doing something.  I can't make them ditch unsavory friends for the youth group.  I can't even make them read their Bible and pray every day!  But, like Job, I can go to my God and offer a sacrifice to Him on their behalf.  Not a burnt animal sacrifice-a sacrifice of prayer and concern.  Yes, that I can do.  Yes, that I do!

Thank you, Father Job, for setting the example!

Lord, I pray for my sons today.  You, and you only know their hearts.  You know how close or far they are to you.  You know what they've been taught and you know what they believe.  You know what they've done and you know what they've restrained from doing.  You, you only can work in their lives.  Father, protect them from the Enemy and draw their spirit to you. 

And Lord, search my heart that I might confess and turn from my wicked ways too.  You see, we all need more of You and less of us.  Amen.

Friday, December 23, 2011

It's almost over.

It is almost Christmas.  Today is Christmas eve eve.  Christmas is my favorite time of year; I LOVE it.  But, I see the signs that it is almost over – then what?  Everything returns back to “normal.”  The decorations and festive displays everywhere disappear; the lights, the special drinks at Starbucks, the spirit – yes, the spirit of Christmas – it all goes away and we’re left with naked trees, dead grass, whipping winds, white cups, cold spirits, cold hearts, and solitude.

I know that I should savor the moment, but as I sit here by the "roaring" gas fire, I’m stuck mourning the loss to come.  I'm trying, folks, but I sense it rising...this sorrow.  I guess it is like watching a loved one slowly stop breathing until they simply disappear.  That's what is going to happen.  Christmas is losing its strength and in a few days, it will be done.  It will disappear.  We'll box it up for 11 months and then try to revive it. 

I hope so, at least.  For what it's worth...Merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

There’s no place like home for the holidays…

Home.  It’s the place we always refer to during this time of year.  It’s the place that we find our security and our sense of being.

What happens, when home isn’t home?  Somehow, after moving across the country two years ago, my perception of home during the holidays has changing.  Sure we’ve made some good friends here, but would they be offended if I said that I am struggling?  Yeah, we’ve invited some friends over later this week to help us celebrate the season, but it isn’t the same.  They are nice people, don't get me wrong.  But, there's a history we just don't share -- yet.

Let me just go on the record and say, I’m missing my friends.  I’m not sure what is bringing on this feeling, but I wish for just one evening, we could all get together, exchange two years worth of gifts, eat chocolate covered pretzels, and have a cup of nog.   

As I continue through this season, making new memories, I'm going to think of you-my friends across the river (the Mississippi)-and miss you.

I hope your Christmas experience is all that you dream of, as I dream of...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Lord IS my shepherd

Okay, so I decided - a few weeks ago - to read through Ezekiel during my morning devotion times.  Wow!  I didn't see all that judgement and destruction coming!  However, God has given me some great nuggets through this journey.

Today, Chapter 34 was definitely a mother lode. 

You know, there are times when I feel like the church experiences I've had have totally beaten me down.  I get it.  I know that God uses all of those experiencing to form me into the man He desires.  And for that, I am thankful.

After reading chapter 34, my mind quickly races to those "sheep" who've lost their way.  They are wondering through the wilderness, hurt and maimed by their former shepherd.  To know that God is "searching for His sheep and seeking them out," (verse 11) creates such a wonder and awe for this Master Shepherd. 

If you are still experiencing the life of a scattered sheep, stop. 
He is calling for you. 
Run to Him.

Verse 25, "I will make a covenant of peace with them and eliminate harmful beasts from the land so that they may live securely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods."

Verse 31, "As for you, My sheep, the sheep of My pasture, you are men, and I am your God," declares the Lord God.

It makes that 23rd Psalm - oh, so much more powerful, doesn't it?

Monday, May 30, 2011

God's Anger

"...I will give thanks to You, O Lord;
For although You were angry with me,
Your anger is turned away,
And You comfort me."
(Isaiah 12:1-NASB)

I'm not sure about you, but I don't know what to do with a love like this. 
My God. 
In your anger
my sin,
my disobedience,
my selfishness,
my pride,
my fits,
my inconsistency,
my lack of love,
my unfaithfulness,
You comfort me.

You comfort ME?

YOU comfort me...
You COMFORT me...
You comfort...


God is
my salvation,
I will trust
and not
for the Lord
is my
has become
my salvation."
(Isaiah 12:2, NASB)

MY salvation.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Chosen path

Sometimes, it is really hard to know.
We trust.
He doesn't show us what is up ahead.
We trust.
Sometimes, we
But that isn't right.
We trust.
We want what we want.
We trust.
He provides.
He meets the need.
We trust.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I recently traveled to Camp Bethany near Shreveport, Louisiana, to attend the last course necessary for receiving an Ed.D.  It was during a morning prayer walk that I found this path. 

It was early morning.  Inspired by a lively discussion of yeilding to the Holy Spirit, I initiated a prayer walk on this, somewhat humidly cool morning.  This path lay before me.  It so reminded me of the journey of life.  Surrounded by the beauty of a creation that I had nothing to do but enjoy, I stood in awe that my God had his eye on me.  Where am I in my journey?

As I stand at the beginning of the path, it seems so beautiful.  The climate is peaceful.  The sun causes the afterrain to glisten.  The sounds of the day awakening are refreshing.  There is newness in this day-thank you God.  As I start out on this path, I realize that I don't know where it is going.  I don't see the turns in the path.  I don't see the holes, the downed trees across the path.  The creatures who inhabit both sides of the path are hidden from me.  I cannot change the path.  I cannot fix it.  It is as it is.  I cannot alter the direction it leads me to.  I cannot see the end. 

I can remember where I started. 
Why would I want to go back?  There is no glory in turning back. 
I know the way back, but where what would that do for me? 
So, I cannot go back; I will go forward. 
I can't see ahead, but I trust the one who created the path.  He is looking from above and can see the beginning to the end, and then some. 

I cannot alter the path that I have chosen.  However, I can alter me. 
I can yield to the Pathmaker.  He knows me and He knows the path. 
So, I trust.

My path is before me.
The direction is set.
How will I react to the occurances on the path?
The only uncertainty, true uncertainty, is me.
That, however, I can change. 
 I can change. 

I can change.