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Things you won't find CT

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4" of snow=2 snow days

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I recently traveled to Camp Bethany near Shreveport, Louisiana, to attend the last course necessary for receiving an Ed.D.  It was during a morning prayer walk that I found this path. 

It was early morning.  Inspired by a lively discussion of yeilding to the Holy Spirit, I initiated a prayer walk on this, somewhat humidly cool morning.  This path lay before me.  It so reminded me of the journey of life.  Surrounded by the beauty of a creation that I had nothing to do but enjoy, I stood in awe that my God had his eye on me.  Where am I in my journey?

As I stand at the beginning of the path, it seems so beautiful.  The climate is peaceful.  The sun causes the afterrain to glisten.  The sounds of the day awakening are refreshing.  There is newness in this day-thank you God.  As I start out on this path, I realize that I don't know where it is going.  I don't see the turns in the path.  I don't see the holes, the downed trees across the path.  The creatures who inhabit both sides of the path are hidden from me.  I cannot change the path.  I cannot fix it.  It is as it is.  I cannot alter the direction it leads me to.  I cannot see the end. 

I can remember where I started. 
Why would I want to go back?  There is no glory in turning back. 
I know the way back, but where what would that do for me? 
So, I cannot go back; I will go forward. 
I can't see ahead, but I trust the one who created the path.  He is looking from above and can see the beginning to the end, and then some. 

I cannot alter the path that I have chosen.  However, I can alter me. 
I can yield to the Pathmaker.  He knows me and He knows the path. 
So, I trust.

My path is before me.
The direction is set.
How will I react to the occurances on the path?
The only uncertainty, true uncertainty, is me.
That, however, I can change. 
 I can change. 

I can change.


  1. lately feeling every bit past the mid point of my journey and yet (thank you for the reminder)even now I can change- I can choose the better choice of glorifying instead of fearing or lamenting. Thank you -Dee

  2. I was watching myself as I went down this path with you....all was well until the mention of turning bothered me enough to post the comment...I want the PATH to be a kind of circle....I realy want to 'see the things''s always a challenge for me the "comforts" of the past VS the "challenges" of the unknown ! I WONDER SHOULD I GO or should I STAY...etc etc....
