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4" of snow=2 snow days

Friday, December 23, 2011

It's almost over.

It is almost Christmas.  Today is Christmas eve eve.  Christmas is my favorite time of year; I LOVE it.  But, I see the signs that it is almost over – then what?  Everything returns back to “normal.”  The decorations and festive displays everywhere disappear; the lights, the special drinks at Starbucks, the spirit – yes, the spirit of Christmas – it all goes away and we’re left with naked trees, dead grass, whipping winds, white cups, cold spirits, cold hearts, and solitude.

I know that I should savor the moment, but as I sit here by the "roaring" gas fire, I’m stuck mourning the loss to come.  I'm trying, folks, but I sense it rising...this sorrow.  I guess it is like watching a loved one slowly stop breathing until they simply disappear.  That's what is going to happen.  Christmas is losing its strength and in a few days, it will be done.  It will disappear.  We'll box it up for 11 months and then try to revive it. 

I hope so, at least.  For what it's worth...Merry Christmas.


  1. Melancholy at 4:00 a.m. - the after Christmas let down - oh boy, I know that well.
    This is what God has shown me -
    James1:5, Ask for wisdom to interpret events(like a room bare of decorations)correctly.
    Romans 8:28 - and when I can't see the good, how it works to His glory, I remember it is wise to ask Him to reveal His glory ("just a glimpse,please Lord- I need some encouragement")
    James1:2,Philippians4:4 go hand in hand. Admitting that joy eludes you in a moment is truthful & good when it is coupled with the earnest plea for revelation and restoration.
    May God's blessings of joy and peace be yours, Christmas day, the day after that, and all the days after. - Dee
