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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday Morning

Tuesday morning.  Is nothing quite so mundane as Tuesday?  It follows Monday,  the first work day of the week.  It preceeds Wednesday, the middle of the week.  It kinda just sits there, waiting for some excitement, doesn't it?  And today being the first Tuesday of 2011, one would think we'd have something to look foward to.  Yesterday was great wasn't it?  The first Monday of a new year.  It had"restart" written all over it.  It was a good day!  But today is Tuesday.  Well guys, lets do something about it!  Let's be optimistic!  Let's determine right now, to anticipate a great Tuesday.  My day is already scheduled, but I'm going to look for something worthwhile, something unique, something "out of the ordinary" in this day.  Are you in?

If you're in the area, stop by ETS for our "Saint's Discovery Tour" at 2:00, blessings guarenteed!

Make it a good one, ya'll.
Mr. McG

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