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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Job prays

It is one of those books of the Bible that we don't choose to read everyday.  It just so happens that I'm reading through the Bible, chronologically, this year.  So, I landed in Job. While I love the book of Job, I really don't think that I'm in the place emotionally to read it right now. 

I've never been one to compare my life with Job-there's no way-not even close.  However, this last month has been a trying season for me.  Being told that we needed to move out of the house that we've been renting for only six months nearly knocked the socks off me.  We are in no way prepared to move; yet, I trust Him.  I know that His glory will prevail. In fact, I already see His hand in this...Praise break!

So, I began reading through Job and low and behold this verse jumped out at me,
"And when the days of their feasting were over, Job sent for them to purify and hallow them, and rose up early in the morning and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all.  For Job said, 'It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed or disowned God in their hearts.'  Thus did Job at all [such] times.  (Job 1:5, AMP)

Well, I may not be able to truly identify with the sufferings of Job - though I sometimes feel like it - I can certainly identify with this offering of sacrifice.  As a parent of teenage boys, there are many time when I have thought, like Job, "It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed or disowned God in their hearts."  I like Job's response! 

No, I don't make decisions for them.  I can't follow them around and ask them spiritually provoking questions.  I can't always stop them from trying something or doing something.  I can't make them ditch unsavory friends for the youth group.  I can't even make them read their Bible and pray every day!  But, like Job, I can go to my God and offer a sacrifice to Him on their behalf.  Not a burnt animal sacrifice-a sacrifice of prayer and concern.  Yes, that I can do.  Yes, that I do!

Thank you, Father Job, for setting the example!

Lord, I pray for my sons today.  You, and you only know their hearts.  You know how close or far they are to you.  You know what they've been taught and you know what they believe.  You know what they've done and you know what they've restrained from doing.  You, you only can work in their lives.  Father, protect them from the Enemy and draw their spirit to you. 

And Lord, search my heart that I might confess and turn from my wicked ways too.  You see, we all need more of You and less of us.  Amen.